Key Stage 2 (Years 3-6)

At Forest Park Preparatory School, we aim to provide a broad and balanced curriculum. The curriculum offers not only the full range of academic subjects but also a wide variety of physical and creative experiences through art, design technology, drama, music, physical education, swimming and games. We help every pupil to fulfil their potential through dedicated and enthusiastic teaching, setting a high standard for all.

In Key Stage 2, we establish within each individual child a strong foundation from which they can confidently meet the challenges of the different senior school establishments. We support those children embarking on the varied examination systems at 11+. The school’s curriculum is designed to challenge and enrich pupils appropriately as well as to prepare them for transfer to senior schools.

Learning and Development

The Learning Support team at Forest Park works with the whole school to provide an appropriate and supportive environment for students to enable full participation in learning. Our aim is to make the learning experience rewarding and enjoyable for all students. We work on the key principles of equality of opportunity and our need to ensure that all our pupils are equipped to do their best.

Reception & Year 3 Places Available

If you are interested in a Reception or Year 3  place for 2024, we would be delighted to invite you to Forest Park Prep to meet our headmaster and staff, tour our facilities and experience the lovely environment that we all share at Forest Park.

Please call 0161 973 4835 or email for more information