Lunch Menus

Our Catering Team is led by Miss Beale. She has worked at Forest Park Preparatory  for over 10 years and has worked in school kitchens for the majority of her working career. She knows all of our children and their catering preferences. Having seen lots of children come through from Pre Prep she has the innate ability to persuade them to try new foods and is aware of what they have eaten in the past!

During lunchtime, the staff on duty encourage the children to eat their meals and also to help them choose appropriate food groups. The same member of staff is usually working all week, meaning they can help ensure there is a balance each day.

The kitchen has a 5-star Food Hygiene rating, awarded by an annual unannounced Environmental Health visit.

Please find an example menu here:

Wraparound Care Food

Breakfast Club

In Breakfast Club, the children are offered fruit, cereal and a bread product (eg toast or croissant) with various accompaniments. There is breakfast juice, water or milk to drink. We also have other options on occasions.

Food is available up until 8:20am.

Late Stay

In Late Stay, the snack is normally fruit or vegetable sticks. The children are then served a light tea, such as pasta & tomato sauce, fish fingers & beans or chicken & salad wraps. Food is usually served at around 4:30pm.



  • Superb choice and lovely balance of foods.
  • I am really happy with the offering provided at Forest Park.
  • Miss Beale really knows my child and is brilliant at encouraging her to try new foods – she can be quite, well, very fussy – she does a great job!
  • The macaroni cheese is a real favourite – please can I have the recipe!
  • Miss Beale and the staff always ensure the children have a balanced meal, which is great. I like the fact they are allowed treats too and the children have choices to make.
  • The meals on offer are well balanced and a good range.

From the Children

  • ‘Miss Beale’s cooking is the best thing ever!’
  • ‘I love Miss B’s homemade pizzas – it is the best food ever.’
  • ‘I think Miss Beale is the best chef in the world!’
  • ‘Our food is always tasty and it is very healthy.’
  • ‘Forest Park food is delicious.’
Reception & Year 3 Places Available

If you are interested in a Reception or Year 3  place for 2024, we would be delighted to invite you to Forest Park Prep to meet our headmaster and staff, tour our facilities and experience the lovely environment that we all share at Forest Park.

Please call 0161 973 4835 or email for more information